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来源:医学理论与实践 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-09 06:11



【摘要】Hippocrates of Kos1科斯岛,希腊斯波拉泽斯群岛(Sporades)中的一个岛屿,临土耳其的哥科瓦海湾(G?kova)。was a Greek physician who lived from about 460 B.C.to 375 B.C.At a time when most people attributed si

Hippocrates of Kos1科斯岛,希腊斯波拉泽斯群岛(Sporades)中的一个岛屿,临土耳其的哥科瓦海湾(G?kova)。was a Greek physician who lived from about 460 B.C.to 375 B.C.At a time when most people attributed sickness to superstition2superstition 迷信。and the wrath3wrath 愤怒;愤慨。of the gods,Hippocrates taught that all forms of illness had a natural cause.He established the first intellectual school devoted to teaching the practice of this,he is widely known as the“father of medicine.”


2 Approximately 60 medical documents associated with his name,including the famous Hippocratic oath4oath 誓言。,have survived to this documents were eventually gathered into a collection known as theHippocratic Corpus5corpus 文集;语料库。.While Hippocrates may not have written all of them himself,the papers are a reflection of his Hippocrates’ example,medical practice pointed in a new direction,one that would move toward a more rational and scientific view of medicine.

2 与其名相关的医学文献,约有60 种存世至今,包括著名的希波克拉底誓词。这些文献最终汇编成集,称作《希波克拉底文集》。虽然这些文献可能并非全部出自希波克拉底一人之手,却反映了他的哲学思想。希波克拉底垂范后世,为行医之道指明了新的方向,这一新的方向趋于一种更加理性、合乎科学的医学理念。

The four humors


3 Hippocrates is often credited with developing the theory of the four humors6humor 体液。,or Aristotle and Galen7古罗马医学家及哲学家,发展了希波克拉底的体液说。also contributed to the later,William Shakespeare incorporated the humors into his writings when describing human qualities.

3 众所周知,希波克拉底提出了四种体液或流质的学说。哲学家亚里士多德和盖伦也为这一思想作出了贡献。几百年后,威廉·莎士比亚描述人类特性时将体液的概念融入了其作品。

4 The humors were yellow bile8bile 胆汁;坏脾气;愤怒。,black bile,blood and phlegm9phlegm 黏液;痰。,according to“The World of Shakespeare’s Humors,”an exhibition by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)10美国国家卫生研究院,隶属于美国卫生及人类服务部,是美国联邦政府中首要的生物医学研究机构。.Each humor was associated with a particular element (earth,water,air or fire),two“qualities”(cold,hot,moist,dry)11黄胆对应“热”和“干”,黑胆对应“冷”和“干”,血液对应“热”和“湿”,黏液对应“冷”和“湿”。,certain body organs and certain ages (childhood,adolescence,maturity,old age).

4 根据美国国家卫生研究院举办的“莎士比亚笔下的体液世界”展览,这四种体液是黄胆、黑胆、血液和黏液。每种体液都和某种元素(土、水、风、火)、两种“特质”(冷、热、潮、干)、某种身体器官和某种年龄(童年、少年、壮年、老年)息息相关。

5 The interactions among the humors,qualities,organs and ages—as well as the influence of the seasons and planets—determined a person’s physical and mental health,as well as their disposition12disposition 性格;脾气。or personality.(Galen used the term“temperament13temperament 气质;性情。”and literally14literally 字面上;逐字地。meant that health and personality were affected by temperature—cold,hot,dry or wet.This notion is reflected in the idioms“catching a cold”or having a“dry sense of humor.”)

5 体液、特质、器官、年龄之间的相互作用——以及季节、星球的影响——决定了一个人的身心健康,以及性格或个性。(盖伦使用“气质”一词,字面意思是健康和个性都受温度影响——冷、热、干、湿。catching a cold[“得了感冒”]或者having a dry sense of humor[“有种冷幽默”]这样的习语就反映了这一观念。)

According to the theory:


6 Yellow bile is related to the choleric15choleric 易怒的。disposition and the qualities of hot and dry.It is associated with fire,summer,the gallbladder16gallbladder 胆囊。and childhood.

6 黄胆质的人性格易怒,体质干热。黄胆与火、夏天、胆囊和童年有关。

7 Black bile is related to the melancholic17melancholic 忧郁的。disposition and the qualities of cold and dry.It is associated with earth,winter,the spleen18spleen 脾脏。and old age.

7 黑胆质的人性格忧郁,体质干冷。黑胆与土、冬天、脾脏和老年有关。

文章来源:《医学理论与实践》 网址: http://www.yxllysj.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0409/830.html
